Mass email for branding: Why businesses should do it with RPA

Every business hopes to achieve successful word-of-mouth marketing, and while social media platforms have become the norm, companies must still leverage mass email to strengthen their branding.

Opening Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, users can see businesses’ boosted or sponsored posts to entice more consumers to buy their products. But a previous survey showed that enterprises still consider the email market an essential way to achieve growth.


According to the 2021 State of Email report, more than 90% of the respondents believed email marketing is “critical” to the overall success of the company, while 41% saw it as “very critical“–which just proves that while social media might gather more reactions from potential buyers, nothing beats a personalized approach to getting new customers.

Thirty-nine percent of the respondents also noted that email was their top-performing channel.


Given email marketing’s impact on business success, more and more companies are committed to increasing their investments in the said segment for the following year.


“Brands and marketers need relevant, personalized customer experiences in order to drive success, which is why, from our State of Email data, businesses are relying on email now more than ever,” said Melissa Sargeant, a representative from Litmus.


As businesses also recorded a jump in workload due to the pandemic, many have begun embracing technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation.

Through automation, Sargeant said companies can now “execute personalization at scale” more efficiently without burdening employees.


With newsletters sent to subscribers, businesses can present updates on their products and services and give tips. Using interesting topics or content would subsequently increase their engagement with possible buyers.


“Email marketing has become a critical component of overall business success and, in order to keep pace with competitors and customer expectations, automation, collaboration, and analytics solutions will only grow in importance — especially as more privacy initiatives come to fruition. Marketing leaders and teams can’t afford to fall behind, which is why email will soon become an even bigger centerpiece for future marketing programs,” Sargeant said.


One of the technologies companies can tap into to realize a successful campaign is robotic process automation (RPA), which can help personalize emails, newsletters, and other communications coursed through customers’ email addresses.


Monstarlab Philippines’ RPA software Robotic Automation Expert (RAX) can power businesses, allowing them to seamlessly address issues involving data retrieval, data extraction, transformation, data analysis, and product and client bridging, among others.

With RAX’s software robots, businesses can also deploy automated response tools to attend to customers’ queries immediately.

With proper strategy and reliable partners, businesses can reap the benefits of email marketing.


Approach the RAX team now to learn more about how your business can increase sales with improved promotion tactics.


Get your free Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Software: Download here

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