Lessening the impact of El Niño on crops through RPA

Maximizing productivity to increase farmers’ income has always been one of the main goals when it comes to agriculture. However, there are factors that may hinder one from achieving this.

One that has the greatest impact on agriculture is the weather.

Specifically in the Philippines, which is an agricultural country, authorities have reported that the ongoing El Niño has caused P1.23 billion worth of damage to crops since January this year.

The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council also reported that the weather phenomenon has affected 29,409 farmers across the country. Among the most affected commodities were livestock, high-value crops, rice, and corn.

While this phenomenon is inevitable, there is still a way to reduce its impact. One way is through technology, specifically Robotic Process Automation, or RPA.

But how will agriculture benefit from such? 

First is for crop monitoring and management. With RPA, farmers can easily collect information about vital factors that affect crop growth like soil moisture, and weather conditions.

RPA also eases data collection. It can process large volumes of data and even generate a report when needed. With its implementation, gathering different information vital in farming, like soil moisture, crop health, and weather conditions, will guide and inform farmers.

Information gathered can be used to predict yield. This will serve as a guide so adjustments can be made in case the need arises.

Having access to said information is also helpful when it comes to formulating informed decisions. Failing to do so may lead to inefficient harvesting, thus wasting the time and effort invested in farming.

Just like in any industry, there are also repetitive tasks being done in agriculture, like adding manure. RPA comes in to help by sending notifications when it is the right time to do this task, making sure farmers will not miss the right timing.

Since RPA helps in managing their farm, farmers will be able to put more of their attention to other tasks. Aside from this, having more time in their hands allows for more time to strategize on how to further increase harvest.

Committing errors is unavoidable, but this can be reduced with RPA. Automation will lead to accuracy, and resource optimization.

Of course integrating automated systems also makes way for reducing costs, allowing farm managers to allot more budget to more important stuff. A Deloitte report said that companies that have used automation reduced their cost by 32%.

Aside from crops, RPA can also do livestock management, specifically in monitoring the health and behavior of animals. This can even track their location and arrange feeding schedules.

But is there a system ready to help farmers take advantage of the benefits of RPA? Worry no more because Monstarlab Philippines is ready to provide its services through RAX Automation Suite.

With tools packed in the RAX Automation Suite, farmers do not have to worry about everyday tasks as this technology can take on this.

Making your farm more ready to face any challenge should not be a hassle. Talk to the RAX team now to get to know what RAX Automation Suite is and how it can make farming more efficient.


NDRRMC: Agri losses due to El Niño hit P1.23 billion since January

Revolutionizing the Fields: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Agriculture

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Get your free Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Software: Download here

Photo credit: jcomp

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