Tag: rpa

RPA: A Quick and Easy Fix

Since the global competition heats up with the introduction of robots in the workplace, enterprises come under increasing pressure to keep up and digitize their operations. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) then gained momentum and in the long run, became a norm in every business industry….

How to Start RPA in Your Organization

The drive to digital transformation has made businesses around the world, the majority are companies in the technology industry, to see the importance of utilizing automation tools in increasing their productivity. RPA software revenue grew 63.1% in 2018 to $846 million, making it the fastest-growing…

Myth #2: RPA is for the IT Department Only

The emergence of RPA in the digital world has been significantly notable. Various industries have utilized this innovation which has become one of the most intensive technologies to date. It further experienced robust growth as more enterprises, small businesses, and even individuals have adopted this…